Daily Archives: April 25, 2011

Find Success Through Passion

I was googling, as usual, and ran across one of those ‘things I wish I’d known sooner’ lists and this was taken straight out of my brain I am sure of it…

“When I’m not distracting myself from how repetitive my job is, I always think about how I’m slowly trading away the sunny days of my youth for “job security.”  I show up, put my butt in a chair for eight hours a day, and collect a paycheck.  Congratulations, I’ve traded away some time for some money.

I don’t feel alive at my job.  I do shit that’s unimportant to me.  I’d rather spend my time doing anything else, but the things I want to do wouldn’t pay me the way my boring job does….

…If I could offer my younger self some real advice, I’d tell myself not to base my career choice on what someone else recommended.  I’d tell myself not to pick a major because it’s what’s popular.  I’d tell myself not to get into a career field for the money.

I’d tell myself that the right choice is much simpler:  Do what you are.  As long as you’re true to yourself, and follow your own interests, you can find success through passion.  Perhaps more importantly, you won’t wake up ten years later in a career field you hate wondering “What the hell happened?”